. All About Chemistry: Norner will lead major research project on polymers based on CO2

Norner will lead major research project on polymers based on CO2

Norner Innovation: Norner will lead major research project on polymers based on CO2
Norner Reactor Lab.
Image: Norner Innovation.
10 Feb 2009 - Norner Innovation announced that the company will lead a four years research project with a frame of about 25 million NOK to continue the development of novel plastic materials based on CO2 as a raw material including the process and production technologies. Large companies like Yara and Superfos will join in this industrial R&D project. The project will be supported by the Norwegian Research Council.

”This is a unique possibility to utilise CO2 as a raw material in polymer production and thereby turn the problematic CO2 and environmental issues. Up to 50wt% of the polymer may be CO2. We look forward to this interesting challenge and will work hard to realise this opportunity to establish new and sustainable plastic materials” says Tine Rørvik the Director of Norner.

Norner Innovation has several advanced and industrial laboratory reactors where the polymer is produced for this project with the relevant monomers and process parameters. Together with their plastics processing lab and test centre, this enables Norner to take the lead in the research of both process technology as well as material science. The development process for control of process parameters and material properties of the polymer is going on as a continuous activity in our pilot reactors. This work will now be accelerated by this new funded project.

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